Date of Birth : 01/07/1946
Date of Joining : 03/04/2006
Held Office Till : 30/06/2008
Source :BAR
Introduction : Elevated as the Chief Justice of the Gujarat High Court on 03.02.2007
Practised in Civil, Criminal and Revenue Matters.
Appointed as Law Officer in Law Commission of India in 1973.
Appointed as Deputy Legislative Counsel in Ministry of Law & Justice, Delhi in 1976.
Appointed as Addl. Legislative Counsel in Ministry of Law & Justice, Delhi in 1979.
Selected as Judicial Member, Income Tax Appellate Tribunal in 1980 and joined the Tribunal in January, 1981 and worked as Judicial Member in different places i.e. Bombay, Ahmedabad and Jaipur till elevation in Rajasthan High Court.
Elevated as Judge of Rajasthan High Court on 20th July, 1990.
Transferred to Calcutta High Court in December, 1997. In year 2000 & 2001, remained as Administrative Judge for sometime in Calcutta High Court.
Transferred back to Rajasthan High Court in October, 2001 and Administrative Judge of Rajasthan from 13th March, 2003 onwards.
Acting Chief Justice of Rajasthan from 22nd October, 2004 to 12th October, 2005 and from 12th October, 2005 to 2nd April, 2006, continued as Administrative Judge.
Transferred to High Court of Gujarat, as Judge on 3rd April, 2006. Appointed as Acting Chief Justice, High Court of Gujarat on the same day, i.e. 3rd April, 2006 and continued as such till 2nd February 2007.
Elevated as Chief Justice, High Court of Gujarat on 3rd February 2007.
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