Misc. Notification Notice related to Arbitration matters on 21.02.2025 and 28.02.2025 [17/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Allocation of the matters of business of the Hon'ble First Court during 18.02.2025 to 02.03.2025 [17/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Notice regarding non-availability of Hon’ble Ms.Justice Sangeeta K. Vishen on 18.02.2025 in the Second Session. [17/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Notification - Posting of Judicial Officers (District Judge cadre) on Deputation Gujarat High Court 15022025 [15/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Notice regarding Special Court on 17.02.2025 and 18.02.2025 [15/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Notice regarding Single Sitting of Hon'ble Mr. Justice D.N.Ray on 18.02.2025 to 21.02.2025 [15/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Notice regarding Single Sitting of Hon'ble Mr. Justice Samir J. Dave on 17.02.2025 [15/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Notice regarding Single Sitting of Hon'ble Mr. Justice Cheekati Manavendranath Roy on 17.02.2025 [15/02/2025] |
Current Openings Advertisement for recruitment to the post of Junior Court Assistant in the Supreme Court of India [15/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Notification - Transfer Posting of Judicial Officers (District Judge cadre) Gujarat High Court 14022025 [14/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification MODIFIED LIST OF SITTING W.E.F. 17.02.2025 [14/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Notice regarding Generation of Cause Lists for 18.02.2025 [14/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Notice regarding non-availability of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Umesh A.Trivedi on 14.02.2025 and 17.02.2025. [13/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Notice regarding non-availability of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Bhargav D.Karia, Hon’ble Ms. Justice Vaibhavi D.Nanavati and Hon’ble Mr. Justice D.N.Ray. [13/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Notice regarding non-availability of Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.Y.Kogje on 17.02.2025 in the First Session. [13/02/2025] |
Current Openings IMPORTANT NOTICE: Schedule for Driving/Skill Test for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Driver on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No. HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]4] - 113/202425] [13/02/2025] |
Current Openings List of candidates who have been SHORTLISTED to be called for Viva-voce Test for Recruitment to the post of TRANSLATOR on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No.RC/B.1304/2023 (Translator) - 107/202425] [13/02/2025] |
Current Openings List of Judicial Officers in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judges who have obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks in 4 Components i.e. Written Test, Annual Confidential Report, Average Assessment of Disposal and Evaluation of Judgements and are being called for Viva-Voce Test for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of District Judges, by way of Promotion (65%) (YEAR-2023) [No.RC/1250/2023] [13/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification Notice regarding Late Sitting of Hon'ble Court (Coram : Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.Y.Kogje and Hon'ble Mr.Justice Samir J. Dave) on 17.02.2025 [12/02/2025] |
Misc. Notification List of Panel Advocates/Counsel concerned to Government or Public Sector Undertakings/Corporations and Local Bodies/Authorities under Rule 9 of Gujarat High Court Case Flow Management Rules, 2016 (As on 06.02.2025) [10/02/2025] |
Tender Notice for supply of furniture items [06/02/2025] |
Current Openings Detailed Advertisement for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge (Year-2024-25) [No. RC/0719/2024-25 - 120/202425] [30/01/2025] |
Notification Notification No.A.2621/2022 dated 28/01/2025 regarding constitution of Committee [28/01/2025] |
Notice - Republcation of Tender-RFP-12-2024 - Wifizone - Gujarat High Court [28/01/2025] |
Notice Inviting Quotation - ITC-NIQ-01-2025 - Subscription of Zoom Licences [28/01/2025] |
Result SELECT LIST for Recruitment to the post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER GRADE - II on the Establishment of the District Judiciary, Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat, on the basis of Merits + Preference of District. [No. RC/1434/2022 (I) No. RC-ILC/1434/2022 (II) - 108/202425] [24/01/2025] |
Result CENTRALIZED WAIT LIST for Recruitment to the post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER GRADE - II on the Establishment of the District Judiciary, Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat, on the basis of Merits. [No. RC/1434/2022 (I) No. RC-ILC/1434/2022 (II) - 108/202425] [24/01/2025] |
Result SELECT LIST for Recruitment to the post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER GRADE - III on the Establishment of the District Judiciary in the State of Gujarat, on the basis of Merits+Preference of District. [No. RC/1434/2022 (I) - 109/202425] [24/01/2025] |
Notification High Court Notification No.C.3005/2024 dated 18.01.2025 [22/01/2025] |