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Current Openings
List of candidates who have been Shortlisted to be called for Document Verification etc. for preparation of Select List for Direct Recruitment to the post of DRIVER on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No. HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]4] - 113/202425]
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Direct Recruitment to the post of Assistant on the establishment of the District Judiciary [No. RC/1434/2022(II) - 102/202324]
Additional List of candidates, who have been Shortlisted in continuation of the List published on 11/12/2024 containing names of 1978 candidates and are being called for Document Verification etc. for the preparation of Select List / Wait List for Direct Recruitment to the post of Assistant on the Establishment of the District Judiciary in the State of Gujarat. [No. RC/1434/2022(II) - 102/202324]
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Preliminary Examination & Test of Gujarati Language for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judges Postponed. (Year-2024-25) [No. RC/0719/2024-25 - 120/202425]
IMPORTANT NOTICE regarding Recruitment Examination for Various Posts in the High Court of Gujarat, District Courts, Industrial & Labour Courts. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]6 - 115/202425]
Advertisement for recruitment to the post of Junior Court Assistant in the Supreme Court of India
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Schedule for Driving/Skill Test for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Driver on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No. HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]4] - 113/202425]
List of candidates who have been SHORTLISTED to be called for Viva-voce Test for Recruitment to the post of TRANSLATOR on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No.RC/B.1304/2023 (Translator) - 107/202425]
List of Judicial Officers in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judges who have obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks in 4 Components i.e. Written Test, Annual Confidential Report, Average Assessment of Disposal and Evaluation of Judgements and are being called for Viva-Voce Test for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of District Judges, by way of Promotion (65%) (YEAR-2023) [No.RC/1250/2023]
Detailed Advertisement for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge (Year-2024-25) [No. RC/0719/2024-25 - 120/202425]
Lists containing 227[LIST-1] + 11[List-2] Judicial Officers in the Cadre of Civil Judges who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks in each Component i.e. Annual Confidential Report and Assessment of Disposal for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judges (Year-2023-24) [RC/0734/2023-24]
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Schedule for Verification of Documents for the posts of Assistant on the establishment of the District Judiciary and Assistant/Cashier on the establishment of the Industrial & Labour Courts in the state of Gujarat. [No. RC/1434/2022(II) & RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(II) - 102-103/202324]
List of candidates who have been Shortlisted to be called for Document Verification etc. for preparation of Select List / Wait List for the Direct Recruitment to the Post of ASSISTANT/CASHIER on the Establishments of the Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat.[No. RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(II) - 103/202324]
List of candidates who have been Shortlisted to be called for Document Verification etc. for preparation of Select List / Wait List for the Direct Recruitment to the post of ASSISTANT on the Establishments of the District Judiciary in the State of Gujarat.[No. RC/1434/2022(II) - 102/202324]
List of Candidates who have been found Eligible to be called for Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview), subsequent to the 'Stenography / Skill Test' conducted on 24/08/2024, for Direct Recruitment to the post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER GRADE - III on the Establishment of the District Judiciary in the State of Gujarat. [No. RC/1434/2022 (I) - 109/202425]
List of Candidates who have been found Eligible to be called for Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview), subsequent to the 'Stenography / Skill Test' conducted on 24/08/2024, for Direct Recruitment to the post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER GRADE - II on the Establishment of the District Judiciary, Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No. RC/1434/2022 (I) No. RC-ILC/1434/2022 (II) - 108/202425]
List of Candidates who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks i.e 45% for Reserved and 50% for others in the Elimination Test (Objective Type - MCQs) Conducted on 27-10-2024 for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Process Server / Bailiff on the Establishment of the District Judiciary, Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No. HCG/NTA/01/2024/[II]3 - 118/202425]
List of candidates who have been Shortlisted to be called for Document Verification etc. for preparation of Select List for the Direct Recruitment to the Post of Court Attendant / Office Attendant / Home Attendant-Domestic Attendant on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No. HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]5 - 114/202425]
List of candidates who have been Shortlisted to be called for Driving/Skill Test for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Driver on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No. HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]4 - 113/202425]
List of Candidates who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks i.e 45% for Reserved and 50% for others in the Elimination Test (Objective Type - MCQs) Conducted on 27-10-2024 for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Deputy Section Officer on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]2 - 111/202425]
List of Candidates who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks i.e 45% for Reserved and 50% for others in the Elimination Test (Objective Type - MCQs) Conducted on 26-10-2024 for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Court Manager on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No. HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]6 - 115/202425]
List of Candidates who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks i.e 45% for Reserved and 50% for others in the Elimination Test (Objective Type - MCQs) Conducted on 26-10-2024 for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Computer Operator (Information Technology Cell) on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No. HCG/NTA/01/2024[I]3 - 112/202425]
List of Candidates who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks i.e. 45% for Reserved and 50% for others in the Main Written Test (Descriptive-Type) Conducted on 20-10-2024 for Direct Recruitment to the Post of English Stenographer Grade II on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]1 - 110/202425]
List of Candidates who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks i.e 45% for Reserved and 50% for others in the Elimination Test (Objective Type - MCQs) Conducted on 20-10-2024 for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade II on the Establishment of the District Judiciary, Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[II] 1 & 2 - 116-117/202425]
List of Candidates who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks (i.e 45% for Reserved and 50% for others) in the Elimination Test (Objective Type - MCQs) Conducted on 20/10/2024 for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade III on the Establishment of the District Judiciary, Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[II] 1 & 2 - 116-117/202425]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test (Objective Type-MCQs) for Direct Recruitment to the Post of DEPUTY SECTION OFFICER, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]2 - 111/202425]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Written Examination (Objective Type-MCQs) for Direct Recruitment to the Post of COURT ATTENDANT / OFFICE ATTENDANT / HOME ATTENDANT – DOMESTIC ATTENDANT, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I] 5 - 114/202425]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test (Objective Type-MCQs) for Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of PROCESS SERVER / BAILIFF, on the District Court Establishment, Industrial & Labour Courts in the state of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[II] 3 - 118/202425]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates, prima facie found eligible, for appearing in the Elimination Test (Objective Type-MCQs) for Direct Recuritment Process for the Post of Computer Operator (Information Technology Cell), on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat.[No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]3 - 112/202425]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Written Test (Objective Type-MCQs) for Direct Recruitment Process to the Post of DRIVER on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I] 4 - 113/202425]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test (Objective Type-MCQs) for Direct Recruitment to the Post of COURT MANAGER, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I] 6 - 115/202425]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates, prima facie found eligible, for appearing in the Main Written Test (Descriptive-Type) for Direct Recuritment Process for the Post of English Stenographer Grade-II, on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat.[No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]1 - 110/202425]
CORRIGENDUM to the Detailed Advertisements Published on 22/05/2024. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024 - 110-118/202425]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates, prima facie found eligible, for appearing in the Elimination Test (Objective Type-MCQs) for Centralized Recruitment Process for the post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade-II on the establishment of District Judiciary and on the establishment of Industrial Courts and Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[II] 1 & 2 - 116/202425]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates, prima facie found eligible, for appearing in the Elimination Test (Objective Type-MCQs) for Centralized Recruitment Process for the post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade-III on the establishment of District Judiciary and on the establishment of Industrial Courts and Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[II] 1 & 2 - 117/202425]
List of Candidates who have Secured Minimum 50% Or More Marks in the Written Test (Objective Type-MCQs) i.e. OMR Based held on 11/08/2024 (Sunday), for Recruitment to the post of LEGAL ASSISTANT on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat, Purely on Contract Basis. [No.RC/B/1320/2024 (LA)]
IMPORTANT NOTICE regarding Elimination Test (Objective Type - MCQs) for Centralized Recruitment to the Posts of Gujarati Stenographers (Grade-II & III) in the District Courts Establishment, Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[II] 1 & 2 - 116-117/202425]
List of Judicial Officers in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judges who have obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks i.e. 40% and more in Written Test held on 18-08-2024 (Sunday), for Promotion to the Cadre of District Judge (65% Quota). [No.RC/1250/2023]
Provisional Answer Key for Written Test (Objective Type-MCQs) conducted on 18-08-2024 for Promotion to the Cadre of District Judge (65%). [No.RC/1250/2023]
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Practical/Skill Test for the Posts of ASSISTANT on the establishment of District Judiciary and ASSISTANT/CASHIER on the establishment of Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [Advt.No.RC/1434/2022(II) & No.RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(II) 102-103/202324]
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Stenography / Skill Test for the Posts of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHERS (GRADE-II & III) on the establishment of District Judiciary and on the establishment of Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [Advt.No.RC/1434/2022(I) & No.RC-ILC/1434/2022(II) 108-109/202425]
DJ 65% : CALL-LETTERS FOR WRITTEN TEST (Objective Type-MCQs) TO BE CONDUCTED ON 18/08/2024 (SUNDAY) [No.RC/1250/2023]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) to be conducted on 11/08/2024 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of LEGAL ASSISTANT (on contractual basis) on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No.RC/B/1320/2024(LA) 119/202425]
List of Judicial Officers in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judges (Including Adhoc Additional District Judges) falling under the zone of consideration for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of District Judges, by way of Promotion (65%) (YEAR - 2023) [NO.RC/1250/2023].
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Schedule for Translation Test for the post of Translator on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No.RC/B.1304/2023 (Translator) - 107/202425]
List of Judicial Officers of the cadre of Civil Judge falling under the zone of consideration for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the cadre of Senior Civil Judge, by way of Promotion. [RC/0734/2023-24]
NOTIFICATION: Revised Vacancies in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge, to be filled up, by way of promotion. [RC/0734/2023-24]
List of Candidates who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks (i.e. 45% for Reserved & 50% for Others) in the Elimination Test (Objective Type - MCQs) Conducted on 16/06/2024 for Direct Recruitment to the Post of TRANSLATOR on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No.RC/B.1304/2023 (Translator) - 107/202425]
List of Candidates who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks (i.e. 50% for All) in the Elimination Test (Objective Type - MCQs) Conducted on 16/06/2024 for Direct Recruitment to the Post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHERS GRADE-II on the Establishment of the District Judiciary, Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No. RC/1434/2022 (I) No. RC-ILC/1434/2022 (II) - 108/202425]
List of Candidates who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks (i.e. 50% for All) in the Elimination Test (Objective Type - MCQs) Conducted on 16/06/2024 for Direct Recruitment to the Post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHERS GRADE-III on the Establishment of the District Judiciary in the State of Gujarat. [No. RC/1434/2022 (I) - 109/202425]
List of Candidates who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks (i.e. 45% for reserved & 50% for others) in the Main Written Examination Conducted on 12/05/2024 for Direct Recruitment to the Post of ASSISTANT for the District Judiciary in the State of Gujarat.[No. RC/1434/2022(II) - 102/202324]
List of Candidates who have Obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks (i.e. 45% for reserved & 50% for Others) in the Main Written Examination Conducted on 12/05/2024 for Direct Recruitment to the Post of ASSISTANT/CASHIER for the Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(II) - 103/202324]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of LEGAL ASSISTANT on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat PURELY ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS [No.RC/B/1320/2024 (LA) 119/202425]
FINAL NOTICE regarding Refund of Application Fee for Direct Recruitment for the post of Court Attendant/Office Attendant/Home Attendant-Domestic Attendant (Class-4) on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2020 (Class-4)-85/202021]
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Extension of Online Application Window. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024 - 110-118/202425]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test (Objective Type – MCQs) to be conducted on 16/06/2024 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of TRANSLATOR on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No. RC/B.1304/2023(Translator) - 107/202425]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test (Objective Type – MCQs) to be conducted on 16/06/2024 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER GRADE - II on the establishment of the District, Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [NO. RC/1434/2022 (I) AND NO. RC-ILC/1434/2022 (II) - 108/202425]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test (Objective Type – MCQs) to be conducted on 16/06/2024 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER GRADE - III on the establishment of the District Courts in the State of Gujarat.[NO. RC/1434/2022 (I) AND NO. RC-ILC/1434/2022 (II) - 109/202425]
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Extension of payment window for the post of Translator & English Stenographer Grade II & III. [Advt.No.RC/B.1304/2023(Translator) 107/202425 & Advt.No.RC/1434/2022(I) & No.RC-ILC/1434/2022(II) 108-109/202425]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of PROCESS SERVER / BAILIFF on the District Courts Establishments, Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[II]3 - 118/202425]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER GRADE-II on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]1 - 110/202425]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of DEPUTY SECTION OFFICER on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]2 - 111/202425]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of COMPUTER OPERATOR on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]3 - 112/202425]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of DRIVER on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]4 - 113/202425]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of COURT ATTENDANT / OFFICE ATTENDANT / HOME-DOMESTIC ATTENDANT (CLASS-4) on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]5 - 114/202425]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of COURT MANAGER on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[I]6 - 115/202425]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of GUJARATI STENOGRAPHERS (GRADE-II & III) on the District Courts Establishments, Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No.HCG/NTA/01/2024/[II] 1 & 2 - 116-117/202425]
List of ADVOCATES who have Qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 25/02/2024 and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge (25%) [No.RC/1250/2023 - 101/202324]
List of JUDICIAL OFFICERS who have Qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 25/02/2024 and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge (10%) [No.RC/1250/2023 - 101/202324]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHERS (GRADE-II & III) in the Subordinate Courts and ENGLISH STENOGRAPHERS (GRADE-II) in the Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [Advt.No.RC/1434/2022(I) & No.RC-ILC/1434/2022(II)]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of TRANSLATOR on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [Advt.No.RC/B.1304/2023(Translator)]
IMPORTANT NOTICE : Direct Recruitment for the post of Court Attendant/Office Attendant/Home Attendant-Domestic Attendant (Class-4) on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2020 (Class-4)-85/202021]
NOTICE: Cooking Skill Test for Recruitment to the post of Attendant-cum-Cook is scheduled to be conducted on 06/04/2024. [Advt.No.RC/B.1303/2023(Cook) - 106/202324]
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Revised Schedule for Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) for Recruitment to the post of Assistant and Assistant/Cashier. [No. RC/1434/2022(II) & RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(II) - 102&103/202324]
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Schedule for Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) for Recruitment to the post of Assistant and Assistant/Cashier. [No. RC/1434/2022(II) & RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(II) - 102&103/202324]
List of Candidates who have been found eligible to be called for Cooking Skill Test, for Recruitment to the post of Attendant-cum-Cook on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [Advt.No.RC/B.1303/2023(Cook) - 106/202324]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for Document Verification followed by Interview to be conducted on 21/03/2024 (Thursday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of Attendant-cum-Cook on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat.[Advt.No.RC/B.1303/2023(Cook) - 106/202324]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of Attendant-cum-Cook (Class-4) on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [Advt.No.RC/B.1303/2023(Cook)]
NOTICE: DJ (25% & 10%) : Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) to be conducted on 25/02/2024.[No.RC/1250/2023 - 101/202324]
List of Judicial Officers of the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge (including those who are working at present as Ad-hoc Additional District Judges), who have completed 05 years of Qualifying Service in the feeder cadre (as on 31.03.2023), for the purpose of Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, by Accelerated Promotion (10%)[No.RC/1250/2023 - 101/202324]
NOTIFICATION: Vacancies for the Cadre of Civil Judges [NO. RC/0719/2024]
List of candidates who have qualified in the 'Stenography Skill Test' conducted on 02/12/2023 and are being called for Viva-Voce Test, for Recruitment to the post of PRIVATE SECRETARY, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No. RC/B/1304/2022 (P.S.)-97/202223]
List of candidates who Qualified in the Computer Aided Test conducted on 10-09-2023 and are being called for Verification of Documents etc. for the purpose of preparation of Select List / Wait List for Direct Recruitment to the post of System Officer for the Subordinate Courts of the state on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B/1304/2021 (S.O.)-93/202122]
List of candidates who Qualified in the Computer Aided Test conducted on 10-09-2023 and are being called for Verification of Documents etc. for the purpose of preparation of Select List / Wait List for Direct Recruitment to the post of System Assistant for the Subordinate Courts of the state on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B/1304/2021 (S.A.)-94/202122]
List of candidates who have been Shortlisted to be called for Document Verification etc. for preparation of Select List/Wait List for the post of PEON on the Establishment of the Industrial & Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No.RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(Peon) - 105/202324]
List of candidates who have been Shortlisted to be called for Document Verification etc. for preparation of Select List/Wait List for the post of PEON on the Establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No. RC/1434/2022(Peon) - 104/202324]
List of candidates who have obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks (i.e. 55% for reserved candidates and 60% for others) in the Elimination Test conducted on 02-07-2023 for Recruitment to the post of Assistant/Cashier on the Establishment of the Industrial and Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No.RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(II) - 103/202324]
List of candidates who have obtained the Minimum Qualifying Marks (i.e. 55% for reserved candidates and 60% for others) in the Elimination Test conducted on 02-07-2023 for Recruitment to the post of Assistant on the Establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No. RC/1434/2022(II) - 102/202324]
List of Candidates who have secured Minimum Qualifying Marks in Preliminary Test (Objective Type-MCQs) held on 24/09/2023, for the Recruitment to the post of Private Secretary on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No. RC/B/1304/2022 (P.S.)-97/202223]
List of candidates who have secured Minimum Qualifying Marks in Main Written Examination (Objective TypeMCQs) held on 03/09/2023, for the Recruitment to the post of Assistant Librarian on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[NO. RC/B/1304/2022 (A.L.) 98/202223]
[High Court Of Chhattisgarh] - Short Advertisements for Recruitment to the post of Stenographer & Assistant Grade -III at High Court of Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur.
List of Candidates who have Qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 16-07-2023 and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judges. [NO. RC/0719/2023 100/202223]
IMPORTANT: NOTICE w.r.t. Computer Aided Test for the post of System Officer & System Assistant. [NO.RC/B/1304/2021 (S.O. & S.A.) 93/202122-94/202122]
IMPORTANT: NOTICE w.r.t. Viva-voce Test for the post of Programmer (Recruitment Cell) [NO. RC/A/1316/2020]
Provisional List of Candidates, prima-facie found eligible, for appearing in the Preliminary Test (Objective Type-MCQs), to be conducted on 24/09/2023 (Sunday) for the Direct Recruitment to the post of Private Secretary, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No. RC/B/1304/2022 (P.S.)-97/202223]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates, prima facie found eligible, for appearing in the Main Written Examination (Objective Type-MCQs) to be conducted on 03/09/2023 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Assistant Librarian on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B/1304/2022 (A.L.) 98/202223]
IMPORTANT: NOTICE w.r.t. Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) of District Judge (10%) [NO. RC/1250/2023]
List of Candidates who have secured the minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) & Test of Gujarati Language [for Candidates who have not passed Secondary as well as Higher Secondary Examination with subject of Gujarati (Higher Level at both stages)] held on 11/06/2023, for the Recruitment to Cadre of DISTRICT JUDGES (25%), from the eligible Advocates.[NO. RC/1250/2023 - 101/202324]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Written Examination (Objective Type MCQs) to be conducted on 09/07/2023 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of PEON, Chowkidar, Jail Warder, Sweeper, Water Server, Liftman, Home Attendant-Domestic Attendent (Class- IV) on the establishment of SUBORDINATE COURTS of the Gujarat State. [Advt.No.RC/1434/2022(Peon) - 104/202324]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Written Examination (Objective Type MCQs) to be conducted on 09/07/2023 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of PEON, Chowkidar, Home Attendant-Domestic Attendent (Class-IV) on the establishment of INDUSTRIAL & LABOUR COURTS of the Gujarat State. [Advt.No.RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(Peon) - 105/202324]
List of Candidates who have secured the minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) & Test of Gujarati Language [for Candidates who have not passed Secondary as well as Higher Secondary Examination with subject of Gujarati (Higher Level at both stages)] held on 07/05/2023, for the Recruitment to Cadre of CIVIL JUDGES. [NO. RC/0719/2023 100/202223]
Exam Center Details for Candidates appearing in the Preliminary Examination to be conducted on 02- 07-2023 for the post of Assistant/Cashier on the establishment of the Industrial and Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat
Exam Center Details for Candidates appearing in the Preliminary Examination to be conducted on 02-07-2023 for the post of Assistant on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat
IMPORTANT: Notice regarding Call Letters for the post of Assistant (CRP) and Assistant/Cashier (ILC) [No. RC/1434/2022(II) & RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(II) - 102&103/202324]
List of candidates who have been SHORTLISTED to be called for Verification of Documents etc. for the purpose of preparation of Select List/Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the detailed advertisement dated 12/07/2021, for the post of DEPUTY SECTION OFFICER on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [No.RC/B/1304/2021 (Dy.S.O.)-91/202122]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test (Objective Type-MCQs) to be conducted on 02/07/2023 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the post of ASSISTANT/CASHIER on the establishment of the Industrial Courts and Labour Courts in the State.[No.RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(II) - 103/202324]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test (Objective Type-MCQs) to be conducted on 02/07/2023 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of ASSISTANT on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.[No.RC/1434/2022(II) - 102/202324]
NOTICE: Elimination Test for the post of Assistant & Assistant/Cashier Postponed. [No. RC/1434/2022(II) & RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(II) - 102&103/202324]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) to be conducted on 11/06/2023 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process for the cadre of District Judge from eligible Advocates (25%).[No.RC/1250/2023 - 101/202324]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Test of Gujarati Language to be conducted on 11/06/2023 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process for the Cadre of District Judge from the eligible Advocate (25%).[No.RC/1250/2023 - 101/202324]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of PEON (Class-4) including CHOWKIDAR, JAIL WARDER, SWEEPER, WATER SERVER, LIFTMAN, HOME ATTENDANT-DOMESTIC ATTENDANT, on the Establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat [Advt.No.RC/1434/2022(Peon)]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of PEON (Class-4) including CHOWKIDAR, HOME ATTENDANT-DOMESTIC ATTENDANT for the Industrial Courts and Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat [Advt.No.RC.(I/LC)/1434/2022(Peon)]
The Provisional List of Candidates, prima facie found eligible, for appearing in the Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) (Elimination Test), for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge, scheduled on 07/05/2023, Sunday. [No. RC/0719/2023 - 100/202223]
The List of Candidates, for appearing in the Test of Gujarati Language, for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge, scheduled on 07/05/2023, Sunday. [No. RC/0719/2023 - 100/202223]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of ASSISTANT/CASHIER for the Industrial Courts and Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat [Advt.No. RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(II)]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of ASSISTANT on the Establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat [Advt.No. RC/1434/2022(II)]
Recruitment Notice for the Cadre of District Judges By Promotion (10%) [NO. RC/1250/2023]
Detailed Advertisement for Direct Recruitment of District Judges (25%) [NO. RC/1250/2023]
ADDENDUM: Vacancies for the Cadre of Civil Judges [NO. RC/0719/2023]
NOTIFICATION: Vacancies in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge, to be filled up, by way of promotion. [RC/0734/2023]
NOTIFICATION:- Vacancies in the Cadre of DISTRICT JUDGES [No.RC/1250/2023]
Detailed Advertisement for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge (Year-2023) [No. RC/0719/2023 - 100/202223]
NOTIFICATION:- Vacancies in the Cadre of DISTRICT JUDGES [No.RC/1250/2023]
NOTICE: Interview Schedule for the post of TRANSLATOR on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2021(Translator)-90/202122]
List of Candidates who have secured MINIMUM 50% OR MORE MARKS in Written Test (Objective Type-MCQs) i.e.OMR Based, held on 22/01/2023 (Sunday), for Recruitment to the post of LEGAL ASSISTANT on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat, purely on Contract basis.[No.RC/B/1320/2022-99/202223]
NOTIFICATION: Vacancies for the Cadre of Civil Judges [NO. RC/0719/2023]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Written Test (Objective Type - MCQs) to be conducted on 22/01/2023 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of LEGAL ASSISTANT (on contractual basis) on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat.[No.RC/B/1320/2022-99/202223]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of LEGAL ASSISTANT on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat PURELY ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS [No.RC/B/1320/2022 (LA) 99/202223]
List of Candidates who have Qualified in the Driving Skill Test conducted between 02-11-2022 and 04-11-2022 and are being called for Verification of Documents, etc., for the purpose of preparation of the Select List / Wait List for Direct Recruitment to the post of DRIVER on the Estabilshment of the High Court of Gujarat.[No. RC/B.1304/2020(Driver) - 86/202021]
List of Judicial Officers in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judges (Including Ad-hoc Additional District Judges) who have Qualified in the Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) (OMR Based) held on 16/10/2022 for Promotion to the Cadre of District Judge (65% Quota) [NO.RC/1250/2022]
NOTICE: Schedule for Driving/Skill Test for the Post of DRIVER on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2020(Driver) - 86/202021]
Addendum to the List of Judicial Officers in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judges (Including Adhoc Additional District Judges) falling under the zone of consideration for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of District Judges, by way of Promotion (65%) (YEAR - 2022) [NO.RC/1250/2022].
List of Candidates who have Qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 31-07-2022 and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judges.[No. RC/0719/2022 - 95/202122]
List of ADVOCATES who have Qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 07/08/2022 and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge (25%)[No.RC/1250/2022 - 96/202223]
List of JUDICIAL OFFICERS who have Qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 07/08/2022 and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge (10%)[No.RC/1250/2022 - 96/202223]
NOTICE: Main Written Examination for Recruitment to the post of Deputy Section Officer on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat is scheduled to be conducted on 25/09/2022 at Ahmedabad. [NO. RC/B/1304/2021 (Dy.S.O.) 91/202122]
E-Call letters - cum - Admission Slip for the Main Written Examination for filling up vacancies in the cadre of District Judge, by promotion through Limited Competitive Examination of Senior Civil Judges (10%) [RC/1250/2022 (10%)]
List of Judicial Officers of the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge (including those who are working at present as Ad-hoc Additional District Judges), who have completed 05 years of Qualifying Service in the feeder cadre (as on 07.04.2022), for the purpose of Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, by Accelerated Promotion (10%).[No.RC/1250/2022 - 96/202223]
List of Candidates who have secured the minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) & Test of Gujarati Language [for Candidates who have not passed Secondary as well as Higher Secondary Examination with subject of Gujarati (Higher Level at both stages)] held on 03/07/2022, for the Recruitment to Cadre of DISTRICT JUDGES (25%), from the eligible Advocates.[No.RC/1250/2022 - 96/202223]
List of Candidates who have secured the minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) & Test of Gujarati Language [for Candidates who have not passed Secondary as well as Higher Secondary Examination with subject of Gujarati (Higher Level at both stages)] held on 05/06/2022, for the Recruitment to Cadre of CIVIL JUDGES.[No. RC/0719/2022 - 95/202122]
Applications for the post of Additional Registrar (Security) in the Supreme Court of India
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) to be conducted on 03/07/2022 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the cadre of District Judge from eligible Advocates (25%). [No.RC/1250/2022 - 96/202223]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Test of Gujarati Language to be conducted on 03/07/2022(Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the cadre of District Judge from the eligible Advocates (25%). [No.RC/1250/2022 - 96/202223]
Recruitment for the post of Junior Court Assistant in the Supreme Court of India
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [NO. RC/B/1304/2022 (A.L.) 98/202223]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of PRIVATE SECRETARY on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [NO. RC/B/1304/2022(P.S.) 97/202223]
Recruitment for Court Assistant (Junior Translator) in vernacular languages in Supreme Court of India
NOTICE regarding Refund of Application Fee for Direct Recruitment for the post of Court Attendant/Office Attendant/Home Attendant-Domestic Attendant (Class-4) on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2020 (Class-4)-85/202021]
NOTICE: Preliminary Examination & Test of Gujarati Language for Direct Recruitment to the cadre of Civil Judges Postponed. [No. RC/0719/2022 - 95/202122]
List of Judicial Officers in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judges (Including Adhoc Additional District Judges) falling under the zone of consideration for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of District Judges, by way of Promotion (65%) (YEAR - 2022) [NO.RC/1250/2022].
Detailed Advertisement for Direct Recruitment of District Judges (25%) [NO. RC/1250/2022]
Recruitment Notice for the Cadre of District Judges By Promotion (10%) [NO. RC/1250/2022]
NOTIFICATION :- Vacancies in the Cadre of DISTRICT JUDGES [RC/1250/2022].
List of Judicial Officers of the cadre of Civil Judge (including those who are working at present as Ad-hoc Senior Civil Judges) falling under the zone of consideration for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the cadre of Senior Civil Judge, by way of Promotion. [RC/0734/2022]
NOTIFICATION: Vacancies in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge, to be filled up, by way of promotion. [RC/0734/2022]
The Provisional List of Candidates, prima facie found eligible, for appearing in the Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) (Elimination Test), for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge, scheduled for 15/05/2022, Sunday. [No. RC/0719/2022 - 95/202122]
The List of Candidates, for appearing in the Test of Gujarati Language, for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge, scheduled for 15/05/2022, Sunday. [No. RC/0719/2022 - 95/202122]
NOTICE regarding Refund of Application Fee for Direct Recruitment for the post of Court Attendant/Office Attendant/Home Attendant-Domestic Attendant (Class-4) on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2020 (Class-4)-85/202021]
List of Candidates who have Qualified in the Computer Aided Test conducted on 19-12-2021 and are being called for Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview) for the Recruitment to the post of PROGRAMMER (Recruitment Cell) on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/A/1316/2020-84/202021]
List of Candidates who have qualified in the Computer Aided Test conducted on 19-12-2021 and are being called for Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview) for the Recruitment to the post of COMPUTER OPERATOR (Information Technology Cell) on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[No. RC/B/1304/2020(C.O.)-83/202021]
Detailed Advertisement for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge (Year-2022)[No. RC/0719/2022 - 95/202122]
NOTIFICATION: Vacancies for the Cadre of Civil Judges [NO. RC/0719/2022]
List of Candidates who have qualified in the TRANSLATION TEST and are being called for the Viva-Voce Test for the post of TRANSLATOR on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2021(Translator)-90/202122]
ADVOCATE who has Qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 21/11/2021, and is being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judges (25%). [No.RC/1250/2020-82/201920]
List of JUDICIAL OFFICERS who have Qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 21/11/2021, and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judges (10%). [No.RC/1250/2020-DJ-10%]
List of candidates who have Qualified in the Elimination Test (Objective Type MCQs) conducted on 28-11-2021 and are to be called for Computer Aided Test for the Post of SYSTEM OFFICER for the Subordinate Courts of the State on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B/1304/2021 (S.O.)-93/202122]
List of candidates who have Qualified in the Elimination Test (Objective Type MCQs) conducted on 28-11-2021 and are to be called for Computer Aided Test for the Post of SYSTEM ASSISTANT for the Subordinate Courts of the State on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B/1304/2021 (S.A.)-94/202122]
List of Candidates who have been found eligible to be called for Computer Aided Test for the Recruitment to the post of PROGRAMMER (Recruitment Cell) on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/A/1316/2020-84/202021]
List of candidates who have Qualified in the Elimination Test (Objective Type MCQs) conducted on 17-10-2021 and are to be called for Computer Aided Test for the Post of COMPUTER OPERATOR (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CELL) on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[No. RC/B/1304/2020(C.O.)-83/202021]
NOTICE : Cancellation of Recruitment Process - Direct Recruitment for the post of Court Attendant/Office Attendant/Home Attendant-Domestic Attendant (Class-4) on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2020 (Class-4)-85/202021]
List of candidates who have been SHORTLISTED to be called for Driving/Skill Test subsequent to the Written Test(Objective Type MCQs) conducted on 26-09-2021 for the Post of DRIVER on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2020(Driver) - 86/202021]
List of candidates who have secured Minimum qualifying Marks (i.e. {45 for SEBC, ST, EWS, PH & Ex-Serviceman candidates, 50 for all others}) in the Elimination Test (Objective Type MCQs) conducted on 10-10-2021 for the Post of Deputy Section Officer on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B/1304/2021 (Dy.S.O.) 91/202122]
NOTICE: Extension of validity of Select List & Centralized Wait List for the post of Bailiff / Process Server.[No.RC/1434/2017 {59-201718}]
Additional Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test, for Direct Recruitment to the post of System Officer, for the Subordinate Courts of the State, on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [RC/B/1304/2021 (S.O.) - 93/202122]
Additional Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test, for Direct Recruitment to the post of System Assistant, for the Subordinate Courts of the State, on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [RC/B/1304/2021 (S.A.) - 94/202122]
NOTICE Regarding Recruitment process for the cadre of DISTRICT JUDGE by Promotion (10% Quota) [No.RC/1250/2020]
E-Call letters - cum - Admission Slip for the Main Written Examination for filling up vacancies in the cadre of District Judge, by promotion through Limited Competitive Examination of Senior Civil Judges (10%) [RC/1250/2020 (10%)]
NOTICE: DJ (25% & 10%) : Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) to be conducted on 21/11/2021.[No.RC/1250/2020]
List of Judicial Officers of the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge (including those who are working at present as Ad-hoc Additional District Judges), who have completed 5 years of Qualifying Service in the feeder cadre (as on 30.04.2020), for the purpose of Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, by Accelerated Promotion (10%) [RC/1250/2020 (10%)]
IMPORTANT NOTICE: REOPENING OF ONLINE APPLICATION WINDOW for Recruitment to the posts of System Officer & System Assistant [NO.RC/B/1304/2021 (S.O. & S.A.) 93/202122-94/202122]
List of Candidates who have secured the minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) & Test of Gujarati Language [for Candidates who have not passed Secondary as well as Higher Secondary Examination with subject of Gujarati (Higher Level at both stages)] held on 24/07/2021, for the Recruitment to Cadre of DISTRICT JUDGES (25%), from the eligible Advocates. [No.RC/1250/2020 - 82/201920]
List of Candidates who have secured MINIMUM 50% OR MORE MARKS in Written Test (Objective Type-MCQs) i.e.OMR Based, held on 03/10/2021 (Sunday), for Recruitment to the post of LEGAL ASSISTANT on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat, purely on Contract basis.[No.RC/B/1320/2021-92/202122]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test to be conducted on 28/11/2021 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment to the post of System Officer, for the Subordinate Courts of the State, on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [RC/B/1304/2021 (S.O.) - 93/202122]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test to be conducted on 28/11/2021 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment to the post of System Assistant, for the Subordinate Courts of the State, on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [RC/B/1304/2021 (S.A.) - 94/202122]
NOTICE : Computer Operator (IT Cell) Elimination Test Scheduled on 17-10-2021 [No.RC/B/1304/2020 (C.O.) 83/202021]
List of Candidates who have been found eligible to be called for Translation Test scheduled to be conducted on 23-10-2021 for the post of TRANSLATOR on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[No.RC/B.1304/2021(Translator)-90/202122]
NOTICE : Elimination Test (Objective Type-MCQs) for the post of Court Attendant/Office Attendant/Home-Domestic Attendant (Class-4) to be conducted on 05-12-2021 [NO. RC/B.1304/2020 (Class-4)-85/202021]
NOTICE : Elimination Test (Objective Type-MCQs) for the post of DRIVER to be conducted on 26-09-2021 [No.RC/B.1304/2020(Driver)-86/202021]
List of Candidates who have been found eligible to be called for Stenography Skill Test scheduled to be conducted on 26-09-2021 for the post of PRIVATE SECRETARY on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B/1304/2020(P.S.)-89/202122]
Provisional List of Candidates for appearing in the Written Test (Objective Type MCQs) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of LEGAL ASSISTANT (Purely on contractual basis) on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat.[No.RC/B/1320/2021-92/202122]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test (Objective Type MCQs), tentatively scheduled on 10/10/2021 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Deputy Section Officer, on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [No.RC/B/1304/2021 (Dy.S.O.)-91/202122]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test to be conducted tentatively on 11/09/2021 (Saturday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of TRANSLATOR on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat.[No.RC/B.1304/2021(Translator)-90/202122]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of SYSTEM OFFICER & SYSTEM ASSISTANT for the Subordinate Courts of the State, on the Establishment of The High Court of Gujarat. [NO.RC/B/1304/2021 (S.O. & S.A.) 93/202122-94/202122]
Candidates who have qualified in the Stenography Skill Test and are found eligible to be called for Viva-Voce Test, for the purpose of preparation of the Select List / Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the Detailed Advertisement dated 19/04/2021, for Recruitment to the post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade – I on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (GST-I) 88/202122]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Preliminary Test (Objective Type-MCQs), tentatively scheduled on 28/08/2021 (Saturday), for Direct Recruitment to the post of Private Secretary, on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2020(P.S.)-89/202122]
Additional Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test, for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of DRIVER on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2020(Driver)-86/202021]
Shortlisted Candidates who are found eligible to be called for Verification of Documents, etc., for the purpose of preparation of the Select List / Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the Detailed Advertisement dated 19/04/2021, for Recruitment to the post of English Stenographer Grade – II on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[No. RC/B/1304/2020 (EST-II) 87-202122]
Posting of 02 (Two) Wait Listed Candidates from Centralized Wait List vis-à-vis the 3rd Centralized Recruitment Process for the post of ASSISTANT on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.[No.RC/1434/2018(II) 69-201819]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Written Examination (Objective TypeMCQs), for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of Court Attendant/Office Attendant/Home Attendant-Domestic Attendant (Class-IV) on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (Class-4) 85/202021]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of LEGAL ASSISTANT on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat PURELY ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS [NO.RC/B/1320/2021 92/202122]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of Deputy Section Officer on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [NO. RC/B/1304/2021 (Dy.S.O.) 91/202122]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of TRANSLATOR on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [NO. RC/B.1304/2021 (Translator) 90/202122]
NOTICE: PROGRAMMER (RECRUITMENT CELL) Preliminary Examination to be conducted on 01/08/2021 [NO.RC/A/1316/2020 84-202021]
NOTICE : Elimination Test (Objective Type-MCQs) for the post of Court Attendant/Office Attendant/Home-Domestic Attendant (Class-4) postponed [NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (Class-4)-85/202021]
CORRIGENDUM: Regarding change in number of vacancies for the post of DRIVER notified in the Detailed Advertisement dtd.15/03/2021.[NO. RC/B/1304/2020(Driver)202021-86]
NOTICE: DISTRICT JUDGE 25%. Preliminary Examination to be conducted on 24/07/2021 [NO.RC/1250/2020 82/201920]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of PRIVATE SECRETARY on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (P.S.) 89/202122]
NOTICE : Elimination Test (Objective Type-MCQs) for the post of DRIVER postponed [No.RC/B.1304/2020(Driver)-86/202021]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Stenography/Skill Test & Written Test, tentatively to be conducted on 27/06/2021 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of English Stenographer Grade-II on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (EST-II)-87/202122]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Stenography / Skill Test, tentatively to be conducted on 11/07/2021 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade-I on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (GST-I)-88/202122]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test to be conducted on 20/06/2021 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of DRIVER on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2020(Driver)-86/202021]
NOTICE : Programmer (Recruitment Cell) Preliminary Examination (Screening Test) Test Postponed [NO. RC/A/1316/2020-84/202021]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of GUJARATI STENOGRAPHER GRADE-I on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (GST-I) 88/202122]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER GRADE-II on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (EST-II) 87/202122]
Provisional List of Candidates for appearing in the Preliminary Examination (Screening Test) Objective Type-MCQs for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of Programmer (Recruitment Cell) on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/A/1316/2020-84/202021]
NOTICE : Computer Operator (IT Cell) Elimination Test Postponed [No.RC/B/1304/2020 (C.O.)]
NOTICE: DISTRICT JUDGE 65% Suitability Test Postponed & Rescheduled [NO.RC/1250/2020]
NOTICE: DISTRICT JUDGE 25% Preliminary Examination Postponed [NO.RC/1250/2020]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of Driver on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [NO. RC/B/1304/2020(Driver)]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Elimination Test to be conducted on 11/04/2021 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of Computer Operator (Information Technology Cell) on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [No. RC/B/1304/2020(C.O.)-83/202021]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of Court Attendant/Office Attendant/Home-Domestic Attendant (Class-4) on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (Class-4)]
NOTICE: DISTRICT JUDGE 25%. Preliminary Examination re-scheduled [NO.RC/1250/2020]
NOTICE : Suitability Test for Promotion Process of District Judge (65%) [Year-2020][NO.RC/1250/2020]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of Programmer (Recruitment Cell) on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [NO.RC/A/1316/2020]
NOTICE: Recruitment to the post of Civil Judges. Schedule for Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview) along with COVID-19 Protocol. [No.RC/0719/2019-20]
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the Post of Computer Operator (IT Cell) on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (C.O.)]
NOTICE: Migration of HC-OJAS Website from to
List of Candidates who have Qualified to be called for Viva-Voce (Oral Interview) Test, subsequent to the Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) held on 19/01/2020, for recruitment to the Post of Civil Judges in the Gujarat State Judiciary. [No.RC/0719/2019-20 - 80/201920]
The List of Candidates, for appearing in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test), for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge from eligible Advocates (25%). [No.RC/1250/2020 - 82/201920]
The List of Candidates, for appearing in the Gujarati Language Test, for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge from eligible Advocates (25%). [No.RC/1250/2020 - 82/201920]
NOTICE: DJ 65% - Extension on last date of submitting Judgments[NO.RC/1250/2020]
NOTICE: CJ-SD - Extension on last date of submitting Judgments[NO.RC/0734/2020]
NOTICE: DISTRICT JUDGE 25%. Preliminary Examination postponed. [NO.RC/1250/2020]
List of Judicial Officers in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judges (Including Adhoc Additional District Judges) falling under the zone of consideration for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of District Judges, by way of promotion (65%) (Recruitment Process-2020) [NO.RC/1250/2020]
Detailed Advertisement for Direct Recruitment of District Judges (25%) [NO. RC/1250/2020]
Recruitment Notice for the Cadre of District Judges By Promotion (10%) [NO. RC/1250/2020]
List of Judicial Officers of the Cadre of Civil Judge (including those who are working at present as Ad-hoc Senior Civil Judges) falling under the zone of consideration for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge, by way of promotion. [RC.0734/2020]
List of Candidates who have secured Minimum of 40% or more Marks in Gujarati & English Practical / Skill Typing Test conducted on 15/12/2019, for Recruitment to the Post of Assistant, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts of the State of Gujarat. [No.RC/1434/2018(II) - 69/201819]
List of Candidates who are being allowed to appear in the Main Written Examination for the Recrutiment to the cadre of CIVIL JUDGES for the State Judiciary subject to the outcome of Special Civil Application No. 23064 of 2019. [No. RC/0719/201920 - 80/201920]
List of Candidates who have secured MINIMUM 50% OR MORE MARKS in Written Test (Objective Type-MCQs) i.e.OMR Based, held on 08/12/2019 (Sunday), for Recruitment to the post of LEGAL ASSISTANT on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat, purely on Contract basis [No.RC/B/1320/2019 - 81/201920].
Revised List of Candidate who have secured MINIMUM 50% or More Marks, in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) i.e Objective Type MCQs, held on 17/11/2019, for the Recrutiment to the cadre of CIVIL JUDGES for the State Judiciary.. [No. RC/0719/201920 - 80/201920]
List of Candidate who have secured MINIMUM 50% in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) i.e Objective Type MCQs, held on 17/11/2019, for the Recrutiment to the cadre of CIVIL JUDGES for the State Judiciary. [No. RC/0719/201920 - 80/201920]
Further Notice for Practical / Skill (Typing) Test for the post of Assistant on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat [Advt.No.RC/1434/2018(II) {69-201819}]
Notice for Practical / Skill (Typing) Test for the post of Assistant on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat [Advt.No.RC/1434/2018(II) {69-201819}]
Corrigendum-2 Regarding reduction in number of vacancies for the post of Bailiff / Process Server notified in Annexure-A in the Detailed Advertisement dtd.31/07/2017.[No.RC/1434/2017 201718-59]
Provisional list of eligible Candidates, who are to be called for the Written Test (Objective Type - MCQs) to be conducted on 08/12/2019 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of LEGAL ASSISTANT, on Contractual basis for a Fixed Remuneration, on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat. [RC/B/1320/2019 - 201920/81]
List of candidates who have QUALIFIED the Main Written Examination conducted on 20/01/2019 and are being called for Practical/Skill Test (Typing Test) for recruitment to the post of ASSISTANT for the subordinate courts in the State of Gujarat.[No.RC/1434/2018 (II) {69/201819}]
The Provisional List of Candidates, prima facie found eligible, for appearing in the Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) (Elimination Test), for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge, scheduled for 17/11/2019, Sunday.[RC/0719/2019-20 - 201920/80]
Detailed Advertisement for the post of LEGAL ASSISTANTS on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat PURELY ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS. (Year-2019-20)[No.RC/B/1320/2019]
List of ADVOCATES / JUDICIAL OFFICERS who have qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 04/08/2019, and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judges (25% / 10%).[No.RC/1250/2019] {79/201920}
Addendum to the Detailed Advertisement dated 26/08/2019 for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge. (Year-2019-20)[No. RC/0719/2019-20]
List of Candidates who have been SHORTLISTED and found eligible, to be called for verification of documents, etc., for the purpose of preparation of Select List / Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the detailed advertisement dated 31/07/2017, for the post of BAILIFF / PROCESS SERVER on the establishment of the subordinate courts of the state of Gujarat. [No. RC/1434/2017 {59/201718}]
List of Candidates who are SHORTLISTED and found eligible, to be called for verification of documents, etc., for the purpose of preparation of the Select List / Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the detailed advertisement dated 12/09/2016, for the post of SYSTEM OFFICER.[No. RC/B/1304/2016 (S.O. & S.A.) {44/201617}]
List of Candidates who are SHORTLISTED and found eligible, to be called for verification of documents, etc., for the purpose of preparation of the Select List / Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the detailed advertisement dated 12/09/2016, for the post of SYSTEM ASSISTANT.[No. RC/B/1304/2016 (S.O. & S.A.) {45/201617}]
List of Candidates who have Qualified to be called for Viva-Voce (Oral Interview) Test, subsequent to the Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) held on 07/07/2019, for recruitment to the Post of Civil Judges in the Gujarat State Judiciary.[NO.RC/0719/2019{78-201819}]
Detailed Advertisement for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge (Year-2019-20)[No. RC/0719/2019-20]
E-Call letters - cum - Admission Slip [DJ-10%-Judicial Officers Only]: for the Main Written Examination scheduled to be conducted on 04/08/2019 (Sunday) for filling up vacancies in the cadre of District Judge, by promotion through Limited Competitive Examination of Senior Civil Judges (10%).
Time-Schedule for Oral Interview (Viva-voce) of the Candidates enlisted in the List dated 17/07/2019 vis-a-vis the Centralized Recruitment Process for the posts of English & Gujarati Stenographer Grade-II on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.[RC/1434/2018(I)]
List of Candidates who have been SHORTLISTED for Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview), subsequent to the Stenography Skill Test conducted on 10/03/2019, for Recruitment to the Post of GUJARATI STENOGRAPHER GRADE-II, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts of the State of Gujarat.[Adv. No.RC/1434/2018 (I) {201819-77}]
List of Candidates who have been SHORTLISTED for Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview), subsequent to the Stenography Skill Test conducted on 10/03/2019, for Recruitment to the Post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER GRADE-II, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts of the State of Gujarat.[Adv. No.RC/1434/2018 (I) {201819-76}]
List of Judicial Officers of the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge (including those who are working at present as Ad-hoc Additional District Judges), who have completed 5 years of Qualifying Service in the feeder cadre, for the purpose of Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, by Accelerated Promotion (10%) [No. RC/1250/2019]
List of Candidates who have secured aggregate 50% passing marks, in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) i.e. Computer Based Online Examination, held on 16/06/2019, for the Recruitment to the Cadre of DISTRICT JUDGES (25%), from the eligible Advocates. [No.RC/1250/2019 - 79/201920]
List of Candidates who have secured 50% or MORE MARKS in Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) (Objective Type-MCQs) held on 05/05/2019 (Sunday), for Recruitment to the cadre of CIVIL JUDGES. [No. RC/0719/2019 - 78/201819]
The Provisional List of Candidates, for appearing in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) on the basis of 'Computer Based (Online) Examination System’, for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge from eligible Advocates (25%), scheduled for 16/06/2019, Sunday. [No.RC/1250/2019 - 79/201920]
List of Candidates who have been SHORTLISTED and found eligible, to be called for verification of documents, etc., for the purpose of preparation of Select List / Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the detailed advertisement dated 29/10/2018, vis-à-vis 3rd Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of PEON (CLASS-IV) including Chowkidar/Liftman/Water Server/Home Attendant - Domestic Attendant/Jail Warder/Sweeper on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No.RC/1434/2018(5) 74/201819]
List of Candidates who are short listed and found eligible to be called for verification of documents, etc., for the purpose of preparation of the Select List / Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the detailed advertisement dated 14/03/2018, for Recruitment to the posts of TRANSLATOR (Class-III), on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [Adv. NO. RC/B/1304/2017]
Recruitment Notice for the Cadre of District Judges By Promotion (10%) [NO. RC/1250/2019]
Detailed Advertisement for Direct Recruitment of District Judges (25%) [NO. RC/1250/2019]
List of Candidates who have been SHORTLISTED and found eligible, to be called for verification of documents, etc., for the purpose of preparation of Select List / Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the detailed advertisement dated 30/08/2018, for the post of Post of HAMAL, CHOWKIDAR, LIFTMAN & PEON on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[Adv. No.RC/B/1303/2018]
The Provisional List of Candidates, prima facie found eligible, for appearing in the Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) (Elimination Test), for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge, scheduled for 05/05/2019, Sunday. [RC/0719/2019 - 201819/78]
List of Judicial Officers of the Cadre of Civil Judge (including those who are working at present as Ad-hoc Senior Civil Judges) falling under the zone of consideration for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge, by way of promotion. {Year-2019}
List of Judicial Officers in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge (including Ad-hoc Additional District Judges) falling under the zone of consideration for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of District Judge, by way of promotion (65% Quota). {Year-2019}
IMPORTANT NOTICE with respect to Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge (Year-2019)[No. RC/0719/2019] {201819/78}
Revised Time-Schedule for Oral Interview (Viva-voce) of the Candidates enlisted in the List dated 11/02/2019 vis-a-vis the Centralized Recruitment Process for the posts of English & Gujarati Stenographer Grade-III on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.[No. RC/1434/2017 (I) & RC/1434/2018 (I)] {70-71/201819}
NOTICE: LEGAL ASSISTANT: Viva-voce test scheduled to be conducted on 23/02/2019 has been postponed to 09/03/2019[No.RC/B/1320/2018]
List of Candidates who have been SHORTLISTED for Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview), subsequent to the Stenography Skill Test conducted on 25/11/2018, for Recruitment to the Post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER GRADE-III, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts of the State of Gujarat. [{201819-70}]
List of Candidates who have been SHORTLISTED for Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview), subsequent to the Stenography Skill Test conducted on 25/11/2018, for Recruitment to the Post of GUJARATI STENOGRAPHER GRADE-III, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts of the State of Gujarat. [{201819-71}]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Stenography / Skill Test scheduled on 10/03/2019, vis-a-vis the Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of English Stenographer Grade-II, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts, in the State of Gujarat. [No.RC/1434/2018 (I)]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Stenography / Skill Test scheduled on 10/03/2019, vis-a-vis the Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade-II, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts, in the State of Gujarat. [No.RC/1434/2018 (I)]
List of Candidates who have secured MINIMUM 50% OR MORE MARKS in Written Test (Objective Type-MCQs) i.e.Computer Based Online Examination held on 20/01/2019 (Sunday), for Recruitment to the post of LEGAL ASSISTANT on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[No.RC/B/1320/2018]
Detailed Advertisement for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge (Year-2019)[No. RC/0719/2019]
List of Candidates who have Qualified to be called for Viva-Voce (Oral Interview) Test, subsequent to the Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) held on 14/10/2018, for Recruitment to the cadre of Civil Judges in the Gujarat State Judiciary.[NO.RC/0719/2018]
List of ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES for appearing in the WRITTEN EXAMINATION (OBJECTIVE TYPE-MCQS) tentatively scheduled on 17/02/2019 (Sunday) vis-a-vis the 3rd Centralized Recruitment Process for the post of Peon (Class-IV), by Direct Recruitment, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No. RC/1434/2018 (5)]
Corrigendum regarding reduction in number of vacancies for the post of Bailiff / Process Server notified in Annexure-'A' in the Detailed Advertisement dtd.31/07/2017.[No.RC/1434/2017]
Provisional list of eligible Candidates, who are to be called for the Written Test (Objective Type - MCQs) to be conducted on 20/01/2019 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of LEGAL ASSISTANT, on Contractual basis for a Fixed Remuneration, on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat.
List of candidates who have been SHORTLISTED and found eligible to be called for Verification of Documents, etc for the purpose of preparation of Select List / Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the detailed advertisement dt. 30/08/2017 for recruitment to the post of Deputy Section Officer on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.
Detailed Advertisement for Centralized Recruitment to the Posts of English & Gujarati Stenographers (Grade - II) in The Subordinate Courts of The State of Gujarat [RC/1434/2018(I)]
NOTICE: In continuation of the Provisional List of eligible Candidates for appearing in the Written Examination (Objective TypeMCQs) for Recruitment to the Post of PEON, HAMAL, CHOWKIDAR & LIFTMAN on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[Adv. No.RC/B/1303/2018], dated 17/10/2018.(2)
List of Candidates who have secured MINIMUM 50% OR MORE MARKS in Main Examination (Objective Type-MCQs) held on 02/12/2018 (Sunday) , for Recruitment to the post of ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[NO. RC/B.1304/2018(Assistant Librarian)]
NOTICE: In continuation of the Provisional List of eligible Candidates for appearing in the Written Examination (Objective TypeMCQs) for Recruitment to the Post of PEON, HAMAL, CHOWKIDAR & LIFTMAN on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[Adv. No.RC/B/1303/2018], dated 17/10/2018.
List of Candidates who have secured Minimum Qualifying Marks (i.e. 60% marks for GENERAL Category & 55% marks for SC/ST/SEBC/PH Categories) in the ELIMINATION TEST (OBJECTIVE TYPE - MCQs) held on 30/09/2018, vis-à-vis 3rd Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of ASSISTANT on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.[Advt.No.RC/1434/2018(II)]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of LEGAL ASSISTANTS on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat PURELY ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS [No.RC/B/1320/2018]
Name of Districts & Examination Centre, in respect of Written Examination (Objective Type-MCQs) to be conducted on 16/12/2018 (Sunday) for filling up of 55 Vacancies for the post in ClassIV Services in the cadre of Peon (viz., Hamal, Chowkidar, Liftman & Peon), by Direct Recruitment, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [Advt.No. RC./B.1303/2018]
Provisional list of eligible Candidates, who are to be called for the Main Examination (Objective Type- MCQs) to be conducted on 02/12/2018 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of Assistant Librarian on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat [RC/B.1304/2018]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of PEON (Class-4) including CHOWKIDAR, LIFTMAN, WATER SERVER, HOME ATTENDANT-DOMESTIC ATTENDANT, JAIL WARDER, SWEEPER on the Establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat [Advt.No.RC/1434/2018(5)]
List of ADVOCATES who have qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 29/07/2018, and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judges (25%).[NO. RC/1250/2018]
List of JUDICIAL OFFICERS who have qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 29/07/2018, and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judges (10%).[NO. RC/1250/2018]
Provisional List of eligible Candidates for appearing in the Written Examination (Objective TypeMCQs) scheduled on 16/12/2018 (Sunday), for recruitment to the Post of PEON, HAMAL, CHOWKIDAR & LIFTMAN on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[Adv. No.RC/B/1303/2018]
Corrigendum regarding reduction in number of vacancies for the post of English & Gujarati Stenographer Grade III in the Detailed Advertisement dtd.13.08.2018
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Stenography / Skill Test scheduled on 25/11/2018, vis-a-vis the Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade-III, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts, in the State of Gujarat. [No.RC/1434/2017 (I) & RC/1434/2018 (I)]
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Stenography / Skill Test scheduled on 25/11/2018, vis-a-vis the Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of English Stenographer Grade-III, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts, in the State of Gujarat. [No.RC/1434/2017 (I) & RC/1434/2018 (I)]
Detailed Advertisement for the Direct Recruitment to the post of ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN [NO. RC/B.1304/2018(Assistant Librarian)]
List of Candidates who have secured 50% or MORE MARKS in Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test), held on 09/09/2018 (Sunday), for the Recruitment to the cadre of CIVIL JUDGES. [NO.RC/0719/2018]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of HAMAL, CHOWKIDAR, LIFTMAN & PEON on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [Adv. No.RC/B/1303/2018]
List of ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES for appearing in the ELIMINATION TEST (OBJECTIVE TYPE - MCQs) vis-à-vis 3rd Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of ASSISTANT on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat, by Direct Recruitment, tentatively scheduled to be held on 30/09/2018 (Sunday)[No.: RC/1434/2018 (II)]
List of Candidates who have been QUALIFIED in the Driving Test held on 20/07/2018 & 21/07/2018, and are found eligible, to be called for verification of documents, etc., for the purpose of preparation of the Select List / Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the detailed advertisement dated 19/02/2018 as well as Corrigendum dtd.02/05/2018, vis-a-vis the 2nd Centralized Recruitment Process for the post of DRIVER on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.[No.RC/1434/2017(4) - 201718/63]
List of Candidates who have secured MINIMUM 55% OR MORE MARKS in the Preliminary Examination i.e. Computer Based Online Examination, held on 08/07/2018, for Recruitment to the post of COURT MANAGERS on the establishment of the District Courts in the state of Gujarat as well as High Court of Gujarat.
NOTICE: Driving Test for the post of Driver to be held on 20/07/2018 & 21/07/2018 [No.RC/1434/2017(4)][201718-63]
List of Candidates who have been SHORTLISTED and are found eligible, to be called for verification of documents, etc., for the purpose of preparation of the Select List / Wait List pursuant to the vacancies notified in the detailed advertisement dated 30/01/2018, for the post of Technical Assistant-cum-Programmer (Information Technology Cell), on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[No. RC/B/1304/2017 - 201718/62]
List of Candidates who have been SHORTLISTED for the DRIVING TEST,subsequent to the Written Test(Objective Type MCQs) held on 29/04/2018, for the Recruitment to the post of DRIVER,on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts of the State of Gujarat.[No.RC/1434/2017(4) - 201718/63]
The Provisional List of Candidates, prima facie, found eligible, for appearing in the Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) (Elimination Test), for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge, scheduled for 09/09/2018, Sunday. [RC/0719/2018 - 201819/67]
NOTICE for the Main Written Examination(Descriptive Type) for the post of Bailiff / Process Server [No.RC/1434/2017.-201718/59]
Provisional list of eligible Candidates, who are to be called for the Preliminary Test (Objective Type- MCQs) & Stenography / Skill Test to be conducted on 05/08/2018 (Sunday) for Direct Recruitment process to the Post of Private Secretary on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat
List of Judicial Officers of the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge (including those who are working at present as Ad-hoc Additional District Judges), who have completed 5 years of Qualifying Service in the feeder cadre, for the purpose of Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, by Accelerated Promotion (10%)
List of Candidates who have secured aggregate 50% Passing Marks in the Preliminary Examination(Elimination Test) i.e. Computer Based Online Examination, held on 24/06/2018, for Recruitment to the cadre of DISTRICT JUDGES (25%) from the eligible Advocates.
The Provisional List of Eligible Candidates, for appearing in the Preliminary Examination to be conducted on 08/07/2018 (Sunday), for recruitment to the post of COURT MANAGERS. (Purely on contract basis)
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of ASSISTANT on the Establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat [Advt.No.RC/1434/2018(II)]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of Private Secretary on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [Adv. NO. RC/B/1304/2017 (P.S.)]
The Provisional List of Candidates, for appearing in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) on the basis of Computer Based (Online) Examination System, for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge from eligible Advocates (25%), scheduled for 24/06/2018, Sunday.
Detailed Advertisement for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge (Year-2018)
Corrigendum regarding reduction in number of vacancies for the post of Driver notified in Annexure-‘A’ in the Detailed Advertisement dtd.19.02.2018
Detailed Advertisement for Appointment to the posts of COURT MANAGERS.
List of Candidates who have secured MINIMUM 50% or MORE MARKS in Written Examination (Elimination Test-Objective type MCQs) held on 19.11.2017, for the Recruitment to the post of BAILIFF/PROCESS SERVER, for the establishment of the Subordinate Courts of the State of Gujarat.
The Provisional List of Eligible Candidates, for appearing in the Translation Test, for the Direct Recruitment to the Post of Translator, Scheduled for 06/05/2018, Sunday.
Addendum to the List published by the High Court under No. RC/0734/2018, dated 17/02/2018, containing names of eligible Judicial Officers of the Cadre of Civil Judge (including those who are working at present as Ad-hoc Senior Civil Judges) falling under the zone of consideration for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge, by way of promotion.
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Written Test (Objective Type-MCQs) scheduled on 29/04/2018, vis-a-vis the Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of Driver, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts, in the State of Gujarat.
Detailed Advertisement for Direct Recruitment of District Judges (25%) [NO. RC/1250/2018]
Recruitment Notice for the Cadre of District Judges By Promotion (10%) [NO. RC/1250/2018]
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of Translator on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [Adv. NO. RC/B.1304/2017]
List of Candidates who have obtained Minimum 50 or More Marks in the PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION (Objective Type MCQs), held on 11/03/2018, for Recruitment to the post of TECHNICAL ASSISTANT-CUM-PROGRAMMER, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.
Notice regarding Main Written Examination for recruitment to the Post of Deputy Section Officer, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.
The Provisional List of Candidates, for appearing in the Preliminary Examination (Objective type-MCQs) ‘Online’, for Recruitment to the posts of Technical Assistant-cum-Programmer, scheduled to be conducted on 11/03/2018, Sunday.
List of Judicial Officers of the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge (including those who are working at present as Ad-hoc Additional District Judges) falling under the zone of consideration for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of District Judge, by way of promotion (65% Quota).
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of 'DRIVER' on the Establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.
List of Judicial Officers of the Cadre of Civil Judge (including those who are working at present as Ad-hoc Senior Civil Judges) falling under the zone of consideration for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Cadre of Senior Civil Judge, by way of promotion.
List of Candidates who have Qualified to be called for Viva-Voce (Oral Interview) Test, subsequent to the Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) held on 02/10/2017, for Recruitment to the Post of Civil Judges in the Gujarat State Judiciary.
Revised Time-Schedule for Viva-voce Test (Oral Interview) of the Candidates enlisted in the List dated 05/02/2018 vis-a-vis the Centralized Recruitment Process for the posts of English & Gujarati Stenographer Grade-II on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.
List of Candidates who have obtained Minimum 50 or More Marks (for General & SC Categories) and 45 or more Marks [for Reserved Categories i.e. SEBC/ST/Differently Abled Person (PH)] in the Elimination Test (Objective Type MCQs), held on 03/12/2017, for Recruitment to the post of Deputy Section Officer, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.
Time-Schedule for Oral Interview (Viva-voce) of the Candidates enlisted in the List dated 05/02/2018 vis-a-vis the Centralized Recruitment Process for the posts of English & Gujarati Stenographer Grade-II on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.
List of Candidates who have been SHORTLISTED for the Viva-voce Test (Oral Interview), subsequent to the Stenography Skill Test, held on 08/10/2017, for the Recruitment to the post of ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER GRADE-II, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts of the State of Gujarat.
List of Candidates who have been QUALIFIED for the Viva-voce Test (Oral Interview), subsequent to the Stenography Skill Test, held on 08/10/2017, for the Recruitment to the post of GUJARATI STENOGRAPHER GRADE-II, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts of the State of Gujarat.
Corrigendum for Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade-II, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of Technical Assistant-cum-Programmer (Information Technology Cell) (Class-III) on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [Adv. No.RC/B/1304/2017]
List of ADVOCATES who have qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 02/07/2017, and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judges (25%).
List of JUDICIAL OFFICERS who have qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 02/07/2017, and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judges (10%).
List of ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES for appearing in the ELIMINATION TEST (OBJECTIVE TYPE-MCQs) for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Deputy Section Officer, on the Establishment of the High Court of Gujarat, tentatively scheduled to be held on 03.12.2017 (Sunday).
List of ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES for appearing in the WRITTEN EXAMINATION (Objective Type-MCQs) vis-a-vis 2nd Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of BAILIFF / PROCESS SERVER (Class-III) on the Establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat, by Direct Recruitment, tentatively scheduled to be held on 19/11/2017 (Sunday)
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Stenography / Skill Test scheduled on 08/10/2017, vis-a-vis the Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of English Stenographer Grade-II, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts, in the State of Gujarat.
Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Stenography / Skill Test scheduled on 08/10/2017, Vis-a-vis the Centralized Recruitment Process for the Post of Gujarati Stenographer Grade-II, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts, in the State of Gujarat.
List of Eligible Candidates for appearing in the Stenography / Skill Test & the Written Test, for the Post of English Stenographer Grade-II, on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat, by Direct Recruitment, scheduled on 24.09.2017 (Sunday)
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Extension of Online Registration Window for the Post of BAILIFF/PROCESS SERVER on the Establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of Deputy Section Officer on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [Adv. NO. RC/B/1304/2017]
Important Notice - Rescheduling of the Main Written Examination for Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Regarding Mode of payment of Application Fees
List of Candidates who have secured 50% or MORE MARKS in Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test), held on 13/08/2017, for Recruitment to the cadre of CIVIL JUDGES.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Regarding Payment of Online Application Fees
Detailed Advertisement for the Post of English Stenographer Grade-II on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat [Adv. NO. RC/B/1304/2017]
Important Notice with respect to the Centralized Recruitment Process for the posts of English & Gujarati Stenographer Grade-II, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.
Important Notice with respect to the Centralized Recruitment Process for the posts of English & Gujarati Stenographer Grade-II, on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat.
List of Candidates who have been shortlisted for the Viva-voce Test, as per vacancies notified in the detailed advertisement dated 14/03/2017, for Recruitment to the posts of PRIVATE SECRETARY, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.
List of Candidates who have secured 50% OR More Marks in 'Stenography Skill Test' conducted on 07/05/2017, as per vacancies notified in the detailed advertisement dated 14/03/2017, for Recruitment to the posts of GUJARATI STENOGRAPHER GRADE-I, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.
Notice with respect to Elimination Test to be conducted on 27/11/2016 for the Post of System Officer & System Assistant
Statement showing the List of Candidates who are declared as eligible to be called for the Elimination Test to be conducted on 27/11/2016 (Sunday) for Recruitment to the post of System Officer.
Statement showing the List of Candidates who are declared as eligible to be called for the Elimination Test to be conducted on 27/11/2016 (Sunday) for Recruitment to the post of System Assistant.
Details of the Candidates who have made Payment for Single Examination Fees and applied for both the posts i.e. for System Officer & System Assistant, for the Subordinate Court of the State, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.
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