Date of Birth : 27/08/1969
Date of Initial Appointment : 10/10/2024
Date of Joining : 10/10/2024
Date of Retirement : 26/08/2031
Source :BAR
Introduction : Elevated as Judge, High Court of Gujarat on 10th October 2024
Justice Sanjeev Jayendra Thaker completed his Graduation in Commerce from H A College, Ahmedabad in 1990. He completed his Graduation in Law from Sir L.A. Shah Law College, Ahmedabad in 1993. He had an extensive practice of 31 years before being elevated to the bench.
He started his practice at the City Civil and Sessions Court at Ahmedabad and has practiced in the Commercial courts, Family court, District courts all throughout the State. His Lordship has also conducted a number of Arbitrations and argued on complex commercial contracts regarding their interpretation. His Lordship was appointed as Assistant Government Pleader in the Ahmedabad City Civil Court and held the post till his elevation.
Justice Sanjeev J Thaker hails from a family of Lawyers, his father Late Jayendra Thaker Retd as A Judge, City Civil Court at Ahmedabad and later on as Charity Commissioner. His brother Dr. Justice retd K J Thaker, was appointed as a Judge of High Court of Gujarat and retired as a Judge of the Allahabad High Court.
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