Date of Birth : 07/10/1963
Date of Initial Appointment : 22/10/2018
Date of Joining : 22/10/2018
Date of Retirement : 06/10/2025
Source :BAR
Introduction : Elevated as Judge, High Court of Gujarat on 22nd October 2018.
Born on 07th October, 1963, at Vadodara in the family of Lawyer. Graduated in Science from M.N.College, Visnagar, in 1984. Obtained Law Degree from Navgujarat Law College in the year 1988. Was enrolled as an Advocate with Bar Council of Gujarat on 29.8.1988.
Joined the legal profession in the year 1988 in Metropolitan Magistrates Court and thereafter started practise in the High Court of Gujarat in the year 1990. Practised in the High Court of Gujarat in all fields of law i.e. Criminal Matters, Civil Matters, Service Matters, Labour Matters, Constitutional Matters. Worked as Assistant Government Pleader and Additional Public Prosecutor in the High Court of Gujarat at Ahmedabad from 1996 to 2001. Worked as additional Government Pleader in the year 2009 and 2010. Also appointed as Special Public Prosecutor for trail of POTA Cases.
His Lordship was elevated as Judge, High Court of Gujarat on 22nd October, 2018.
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