Date of Birth : 01/05/1903
Date of Joining : 26/01/1961
Held Office Till : 22/05/1963
Source :BAR
Introduction : Elevated as the Chief Justice of High Court of Gujarat on 26.1.1961.
Born in May 1903. His Lordship received his education at Bombay. Passed the Articled Clerks’ examination held by the Bombay High Court in 1928 which entitled him to be enrolled as an attorney of the Bombay High Court. Was enrolled as Advocate on the original side of the Bombay High Court in 1930.
Within a short time, His Lordship amassed lucrative practice on the original side of the High Court achieving great distinction as a brilliant lawyer in varied fields of legal practice, particularly in commercial law. Brilliance coupled with prodigious industry soon led His Lordship to the top of the legal profession in the Bombay High Court.
His Lordship was elevated in the Bench of the Bombay High Court in 1957. His Lordship brought his great qualities of head and heart in the new sphere of his activities and earned the respect and affection o the members of the Bar with his quick grasp of the intricacies of the case, invariable courtesy to the members of the Bar and the conspicuous ability and impartiality with which His Lordship discharged his high judicial office. On bifurcation of the Bombay State in May 1960, His Lordship was appointed as a Judge of the Gujarat High Court. However, soon, thereafter His Lordship was appointed by the Government of India as one man President of the National Bank Tribunal.
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