Date of Birth : 06/09/1907
Date of Joining : 21/04/1966
Held Office Till : 05/09/1967
Introduction : Elevated as the Chief Justice of the Gujarat High Court on 21.4.1966
His Lordship started practice at Ahmedabad in 1929 and soon commanded a lucrative practice and established reputation as a very competent advocate. His Lordship also devoted his attention to social and educational activities. He also was the Honorary Professor in Sir L.A. Shah Law College. His clarity of thought and lucidity of expression and the ability to make the subject interesting is still remembered by those who were fortunate to study law under him.
In 1941, His Lordship was appointed as an Assistant Judge and in due course held the office of a District Judge and held that post with distinction in various districts including Baroda, Surat and Broach.
His Lordship was elevated to the Bench of the Bombay High Court in 1957. In 1960, on the bifurcation of the bilingual State of Bombay and the formation of the State of Gujarat, he became a Judge of the newly established Gujarat High Court.
During his Lordship's tenure as a Judge both of the Bombay High Court and Gujarat High Court, His Lordship was shown considerable insight, judicious learning and conspicuous ability in dealing with points involved in the case before him.
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