Date of Birth : 01/05/1933
Date of Joining : 02/12/1990
Held Office Till : 07/10/1991
Source :BAR
Introduction : Elevated as the Chief Justice of the Gujarat High Court on 02.12.1990
Born on 1st May 1933. Enrolled Advocate, Calcutta High Court on 31st July, 1958. Appeared in Civil appeals including Forest, Second and Miscellaneous Appeals, Civil Revision cases, writ cases, reference cases under Taxation Laws, suits and appeals on the original Side of the High Court, and Criminal appeals and Revision cases, and cases relating to detention under the Preventive Detention Acts including MISA on the Appeallate side. Appointed Junior Government Advocate, Government of West Bengal in 1975. Selected Senior Counsel, Central Government for the High Court at Calcutta in January, 1976. Worked as Junior Standing Counsel, West Bengal and Senior Counsel, Government of India till he was appointed Additional Judge, Calcutta High Court on 23rd December, 1976 permanent Judge on 24.11.1977 (A.N.). Appointed as Chief Justice of the High Court of Gujarat on 2.12.1990. Appointed Judge of the Supreme Court of India on 7.11.1991. Retired on 1st May, 1998.
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