Date of Birth : 07/08/1943
Date of Joining : 21/06/1990
Held Office Till : 14/05/2002
Source :BAR
Introduction : Appointed as a judge of the High Court of Gujarat from 21.6.1990
Obtained degree of B.A. (Hons.) with Economics in 1963. Obtained LL.B. degree and also M.A. degree with Economics and Politics, from Gujarat University in 1967.
Enrolled as an Advocate on 5.4.1968. Started practice as an Advocate in the City Civil Court, Ahmedabad from 1968. Shifted his venue of practice to Gujarat High Court from 1970 onwards. Joined the Chamber of well-known Criminal Side Advocate, Late Mr. H. K. Thakore and actively assisted and conducted with him many important Sessions Cases and Criminal appeals. Practised independently as an Advocate in the High Court of Gujarat from 1981.
Practised in Civil, Constitutional and Criminal matters.
Has represented Gujarat Electricity Board for 10 years in various courts.
Has keen interest in education and has worked as Professor of Law in various colleges for about 15 years.
Elevated to the Bench of Gujarat High Court as Permanent Judge on 21.6.1990.
Acting Chief Justice from 5.3.2002 to 16.3.2002.
Appointed as Chief Justice of the Jammu & Kashmir High Court on 15.5.2002.
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