Date of Birth : 14/07/1962
Date of Initial Appointment : 13/10/2021
Date of Joining : 13/10/2021
Held Office Till : 12/02/2023
Source :BAR
Introduction : Appointed as Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court on 13th October, 2021
Enrolled in the year 1987 as Advocate and was appearing in Civil Courts, Magistrate Courts, Appellate Tribunals for about 4 years and shifted practice to High Court. Appointed as Additional Central Government Standing Counsel at High Court of Karnataka in the year 1999. Appointed as Member of Regional Direct Taxes Advisory Committee in the year 2002. Had also been practicing on Taxation side. Appointed as Standing Counsel for Income Tax Department. Appointed as Assistant Solicitor General of India in the year 2005.
Was Legal Advisor to various Statutory Corporations and Companies and had been appointed as Special Public Prosecutor for Central Bureau of Investigation.
Elevated as Additional Judge, High Court of Karnataka on 26-6-2009 and as permanent Judge on 07-12-2012.
Appointed as Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court on 13th October, 2021.
Elevated as Judge, Supreme Court of India on 13th February 2023.
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