Hon'ble Mr. Justice J. N. Bhatt
Date of Birth : 16/10/1945
Date of Joining : 21/06/1990
Held Office Till : 17/07/2005
Introduction : Elevated to the Bench of Gujarat High Court as Permanent Judge, on 21.06.1990. Was appointed as Acting Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court and worked as such for more than 5 months.
Date of Birth : 16/10/1945
Date of Joining : 21/06/1990
Held Office Till : 17/07/2005
Introduction : Elevated to the Bench of Gujarat High Court as Permanent Judge, on 21.06.1990. Was appointed as Acting Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court and worked as such for more than 5 months.
Full Profile :
Born on 16-10-1945, at Jamnagar in the Family of Lawyers. Passed M.Com. L.L.M. (Gold Medalist) University First in D.T.L.P. and D.L.L.P. and Ph. D. in Law. Enrolled as an Advocate on 1.8.1968. Joined Office of the Government Pleader, at Jamnagar in 1976. Worked as Central Government Counsel in special matter of Armed Forces and Labour Cases. Worked as Special Prosecutor and Legal Advisor of Municipal Corporations. Worked as Legal Advisor to 5 (five) Nationalised Banks and all the four units of the Insurance Company. Practised in Civil, Constitutional and Labour Rent Legislation Banking and Insurance Matters in established Legal Firm "M/S BHATT & BHATT ADVOCATES" established by Grand-Father and practised with Father. Joined Judicial service in 1977, directly as the District Judge, as the youngest District Judge, at the age of 31 only. Worked as part-time Law Lecturer and was teaching Constitution, Jurisprudence, Commercial Law and other important subjects of Law, for more than Five Years. Was the youngest Registrar of Gujarat High Court. Was, also, selected for the post of Secretary and Remembrancer of Legal Affairs and worked for almost Four Years. Also, worked as a Judicial Member in the National Copyright Board. Was the youngest Law Secretary and Legal Remembrance. Was, also, selected and recommended by Gujarat High Court and Government for the post of Chief Justice of NAURU an independent Small Country near Fiji Island. Drafted Several State Legislations as Secretary, Legislation and done work of Parliamentary Affairs. Elevated to the Bench of Gujarat High Court as Permanent Judge, on 21.06.1990. Was appointed as Acting Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court and worked as such for more than 5 months. Youngest District & Sessions Judge to be elevated to Bench and only Judge having worked in office of Registrar, Gujarat High Court as well as Law Secretary and RLA, Government of Gujarat. Was, also, deputed by the Government of India to the International Law Association Conference at Warsaw, Poland and Presented and Read research paper on the Law of Arbitration. Attended four of the International Conferences and more than 10 National Conferences on diverse subjects. Has travelled and has visited Courts and Hon'ble Judges, of USA, UK, Canada, France, Italy, Siwtzerland, Germany (Both), Netherlands, Holland, Brussels, Amsterdam, Belgium, Mexico, Poland, Vatican City, Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, Sharjah and Arab Emirates etc. Authored celebrated Research Papers on Law of Agency. Authored more than 50 Articles on Jurisprudence, Constitution, International Law, A.D.R, Legal Aid and Lok Adalat and Judicial Reforms and most of them are published in All India Report, Supreme Court Cases, Supreme Court Reporter, Gujarat Law Reporter, Gujarat Law Herald, Gujarat Current Decisions and many other Journals. Working as Executive Chairman of Gujarat State Legal Services Authority. Pioneered Permanent 24 Hours working Free and Competent Legal Aid Clinic, first of its kind in the whole of the world. Round-the-Clock Free and Competent Legal Service is a unique and innovative idea of Dr. Justice Bhatt. Has conceived and started novel idea of Mobile Free and Competent Legal Aid and Mobile Lok-Adalat in Gujarat which was inaugurated by His Excellency the Hon'ble President of India Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on 29.03.2003 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Was invited to address on International Legal Aid and ADR, with leading members of American Bar Association, at Chicago, USA while visiting U.S.A. Was presented 'National Law Award 2000' for exemplary role in Legal Aid and Administration of Justice and for outstanding achievement and phenomenal success in providing free and competent Legal Aid and settlement of Disputes of more than 21 Lacs Civil-Criminal cases and other disputes in 5-1/2 years, as an Executive Chairman while actively working as a sitting Judge of Gujarat High Court. The Gujarat State Legal Services Authority, as on 01-09-2004, has settled more than 2 millions of cases of all types, over and above 1,75,076 pre-litigation cases and has conducted 1,62,725 Legal Literacy Camps and Para-Legal Projects under the stewardship of Dr. Justice Bhatt, Executive Chairman. Working as President of the Gujarat State Judicial Academy since May 2002, and has given dynamic and innovative Judicial Training Programmes and Projects. Awarded Degree of Doctorate of Philosophy in Law on the Theses and Research work in Law & Justice. Transfered to Patna High Court on 18.07.2005.
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Born on 16-10-1945, at Jamnagar in the Family of Lawyers. Passed M.Com. L.L.M. (Gold Medalist) University First in D.T.L.P. and D.L.L.P. and Ph. D. in Law. Enrolled as an Advocate on 1.8.1968. Joined Office of the Government Pleader, at Jamnagar in 1976. Worked as Central Government Counsel in special matter of Armed Forces and Labour Cases. Worked as Special Prosecutor and Legal Advisor of Municipal Corporations. Worked as Legal Advisor to 5 (five) Nationalised Banks and all the four units of the Insurance Company. Practised in Civil, Constitutional and Labour Rent Legislation Banking and Insurance Matters in established Legal Firm "M/S BHATT & BHATT ADVOCATES" established by Grand-Father and practised with Father. Joined Judicial service in 1977, directly as the District Judge, as the youngest District Judge, at the age of 31 only. Worked as part-time Law Lecturer and was teaching Constitution, Jurisprudence, Commercial Law and other important subjects of Law, for more than Five Years. Was the youngest Registrar of Gujarat High Court. Was, also, selected for the post of Secretary and Remembrancer of Legal Affairs and worked for almost Four Years. Also, worked as a Judicial Member in the National Copyright Board. Was the youngest Law Secretary and Legal Remembrance. Was, also, selected and recommended by Gujarat High Court and Government for the post of Chief Justice of NAURU an independent Small Country near Fiji Island. Drafted Several State Legislations as Secretary, Legislation and done work of Parliamentary Affairs. Elevated to the Bench of Gujarat High Court as Permanent Judge, on 21.06.1990. Was appointed as Acting Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court and worked as such for more than 5 months. Youngest District & Sessions Judge to be elevated to Bench and only Judge having worked in office of Registrar, Gujarat High Court as well as Law Secretary and RLA, Government of Gujarat. Was, also, deputed by the Government of India to the International Law Association Conference at Warsaw, Poland and Presented and Read research paper on the Law of Arbitration. Attended four of the International Conferences and more than 10 National Conferences on diverse subjects. Has travelled and has visited Courts and Hon'ble Judges, of USA, UK, Canada, France, Italy, Siwtzerland, Germany (Both), Netherlands, Holland, Brussels, Amsterdam, Belgium, Mexico, Poland, Vatican City, Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, Sharjah and Arab Emirates etc. Authored celebrated Research Papers on Law of Agency. Authored more than 50 Articles on Jurisprudence, Constitution, International Law, A.D.R, Legal Aid and Lok Adalat and Judicial Reforms and most of them are published in All India Report, Supreme Court Cases, Supreme Court Reporter, Gujarat Law Reporter, Gujarat Law Herald, Gujarat Current Decisions and many other Journals. Working as Executive Chairman of Gujarat State Legal Services Authority. Pioneered Permanent 24 Hours working Free and Competent Legal Aid Clinic, first of its kind in the whole of the world. Round-the-Clock Free and Competent Legal Service is a unique and innovative idea of Dr. Justice Bhatt. Has conceived and started novel idea of Mobile Free and Competent Legal Aid and Mobile Lok-Adalat in Gujarat which was inaugurated by His Excellency the Hon'ble President of India Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on 29.03.2003 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Was invited to address on International Legal Aid and ADR, with leading members of American Bar Association, at Chicago, USA while visiting U.S.A. Was presented 'National Law Award 2000' for exemplary role in Legal Aid and Administration of Justice and for outstanding achievement and phenomenal success in providing free and competent Legal Aid and settlement of Disputes of more than 21 Lacs Civil-Criminal cases and other disputes in 5-1/2 years, as an Executive Chairman while actively working as a sitting Judge of Gujarat High Court. The Gujarat State Legal Services Authority, as on 01-09-2004, has settled more than 2 millions of cases of all types, over and above 1,75,076 pre-litigation cases and has conducted 1,62,725 Legal Literacy Camps and Para-Legal Projects under the stewardship of Dr. Justice Bhatt, Executive Chairman. Working as President of the Gujarat State Judicial Academy since May 2002, and has given dynamic and innovative Judicial Training Programmes and Projects. Awarded Degree of Doctorate of Philosophy in Law on the Theses and Research work in Law & Justice. Transfered to Patna High Court on 18.07.2005.
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