Date of Birth : 02/11/1975
Date of Initial Appointment : 24/01/2024
Date of Joining : 24/01/2024
Date of Retirement : 01/11/2037
Source :BAR
Introduction : Elevated as Judge, High Court of Gujarat on 24h January 2024
Born on 2nd November, 1975 at Ahmedabad. Did Graduation from H.L. College of Commerce in the year 1996. Obtained Law Degree from Shri L.A. Shah, Law College in the year 2000.
Initially started practice in the matters relating to Tax matters. Thereafter started practice at Gujarat High Court in the year 2001. Joined the Chamber of Senior Advocate Shri Krishnakant Vakharia, and thereafter with Senior Advocate and Advocate General Shri Kamal Trivedi.
Practiced in all spheres of law including Civil, Criminal and Tax matters. As an independent Advocate, practiced in all areas of law viz., Civil, Constitutional, Criminal, Direct and Indirect Tax, Intellectual Property, Arbitration matters, Service and Labour Laws.
From the year 2009 to 2011 was appointed as Assistant Government Pleader and thereafter was appointed as Assistant Government Pleader and Additional Public Prosecutor from the year 2014 till the date of Elevation.
Elevated as Judge of Gujarat High Court on 24.01.2024.
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